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Please Include All Technical Information

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2020 12:59 am
by WirecastCommunity
Please include all the following information when reporting an issue:

Always check that you've updated to the current version of Wirecast
  • OS (complete version x.x.x)
  • Wirecast Version Name (Studio, Pro) and Number (complete x.x.x). Note "latest" is not a version number. I MUST have the version number.
  • Computer Model, CPU type, GPU model
  • Input sources of the video/audio and type of connection used including:
    • Cameras and settings (frame size, frame rate, interlace/progressive)
    • Input devices and driver version
    • File specs if playing back a file
  • Complete hardware setup used for streaming
  • Server and/or CDN name
  • Wirecast preference settings (be complete)
  • Wirecast Canvas size
  • Streaming and Recording encoder settings
  • Wirecast Output Statistics (CPU%, fps, connection green bars).
Please be complete and meticulously detailed.
Include screenshots, video examples, screencasts to help us understand the issue.

Describe as if you want someone to make a matching setup and shot.
Include Step by Step to help us duplicate and verify the issue.

I'm going to ask you for the above info anyway so including will result in faster identification and resolution of issues.